Ozioma Ihesiene

Ozioma received her writing debut in 2020, “The Pitch Fanzine – Storyletter Articles.” Her first published article gained the attraction of one of her current mentors Nick Collett. Recently, she has collaborated with DYSPLA, formulating a poem that explores the dynamic between colonialism and woman “Domestics.” Following this, her poetry collection was recently exhibited in Kenya as part of the “5 Lenses” Project. This year she conquered her fear by performing her poem “It’s Natural” at the Royal Court Theatre “Wxman” event.

Prayer – Sometimes we question our faith, because we don’t see the Lord’s work. But this is encouraging us not to focus on waiting for God to make the seed sprout but to recognise or acknowledge the roots that God is creating to hold us down. Because only then the trunk can stand firm, there are no limits to the way it can grow. Without God’s hold, we will forever collapse and crumble. This is a friendly reminder to keep the faith.