Maame Blue

Maame Blue is a Ghanaian-Londoner, recipient of the 2022 Society of Authors Travelling Scholarship and author of the novel Bad Love, which won the 2021 Betty Trask Award and was shortlisted for the Betty Trask Prize. Her writing has appeared in Not Quite Right For Us and KYD New Australian Fiction 2020 and will be in the upcoming children’s anthology Joyful, Joyful.

“I have been thinking a lot about self-equity of late; how we show up for ourselves and show up for others. A lot of us don’t do it at all – I often feel the weight of giving what I can of myself, without ever expecting to receive back because that isn’t what motivates me. But we cannot pour from an empty cup. There is energy that lies in taking time to restore ourselves. Even Thunder encapsulates the simple actions we can take to pause and revive, even in the smallest of moments.”