Charnjit Gill

Charnjit Gill has an MA in Creative Writing and a BA in English Literature & Creative Writing. She is a private tutor and has been writing and performing poetry for over 9 years. She was a member of Apples and Snakes The Writing Room. My work has been published in the London Spoken Word Anthology 2015-2016 by Gug Press, Typishly, Minerva Rising Press, From Whispers to Roars, KYSO Flash, Ghost City Press, San Fedele Press, Starfeather Publishing and Poets Choice. She has 2 poetry collections, ‘Impression’ and ‘For the Moment’ published by Atmosphere Press.

Triggered – It links to theme of power from the perspective of personal power. The poem is about self empowerment. Its taking negatives things and turning them into something positive.